painting - age 9

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's time

Ever get the feeling you are going no where in life? I think this is why I'm blogging. Ten years ago I would have been able to create a modest list of what I wanted in life. From that list I think I may have achieved 1 or 2 things, but I 'm not really sure if I feel, I can confidently tick them off and say done!
Sometimes I feel I am wanting 2 lives or that I am at a fork in the road and stuck, going no where, right nor left.
2010 is going to one of those years where I am going to have to make the hardest and scariest decisions of my life... Right now, however, I need to go to bed.
But I have made that leap into blogging and i'm sure i'll be blogging again soon.

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